Showing posts with label Certificate tools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Certificate tools. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Openssl command for certficates and key generation

 1) To connect secure port using SSL we can use the below command

openssl s_client -connect hostname/localhostip:portnumber

ex :  openssl s_client -connect

2) To show the certificate from website we can use the below command

openssl s_client -showcerts -connect

3) To Print Certificate we can use OpenSSL

echo | openssl s_client 2>dev/null | openssl x509 text

4) To covert pkcs12 to pem format we can use OpenSSL

openssl pkcs12 -in "certificate in pkcs12 format" -nodes -out "new_cert.pem"

5) to convert the certificate from crt to pem format

openssl x509 -in "cert.crt" -out "cert.pem"

6) to convert the certificate from cer to pem format

openssl x509 -in "cert.cer" -out "cert.pem"

7) to convert the certificate from pem to der format

openssl x509 -outform der -in "cert.pem" -out "cert.der"

8)  Openssl can used to generate public private key pair. Below uses pkcs8 format

openssl genrsa 4096 | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -out rsa_key_4096.p8 -nocrypt

openssl rsa -in rsa_key_4096.p8 -pubout

9)  Openssl can used to generate public private key pair. Below uses pkcs8 format

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

orapki utility commands

 1) Create a wallet using below command

orapki wallet create -wallet client_wallet -auto_login -pwd "wallet password"

2) change permission for wallet

   chmod 664 ewallet.p12
   chmod 664 cwallet.sso
3) Convert jks file into wallet

orapki wallet jks_to_pcks12 -wallet client_wallet -pwd "wallet password" -keystore key.jks -jkspwd "wallet password"

3) Add Trust certificate into exisitng wallet

orapki wallet add -wallet "walletlocation"  -pwd "wallet password" -trusted_cert -cert "certificatename.crt"

4) To display the certificates in wallet. Summary option means it will display onlycertificate details.

orapki wallet display -wallet "walletlocation"  -pwd "wallet password"  -summary

5) To display the certificates in wallet. Complete option means it will display complete certificate details. 

orapki wallet display -wallet "walletlocation"  -pwd "wallet password"  -complete

6) To Remove certificate from exisitng wallet

orapki wallet remove  -wallet "walletlocation"  -pwd "wallet password" -trusted_cert -cert "certificatename.crt"

ikeycmd commands for kdb database files

 1) Below command will display certificate details like expiry date in the kdb file keystore.kdb

ikeycmd -cert -details -label "Certificate name in KDB" -db keystore.kdb -pw "password of kdb file"

2) Below command will display list of certificates in kdb file

ikeycmd -cert  -list  -db keystore.kdb -pw "password of kdb file"

3) Below command will display ca certificates in kdb file

ikeycmd -cert  -list ca -db keystore.kdb -pw "password of kdb file"

4) Below command will display personal certificates in kdb file

ikeycmd -cert  -list personal -db keystore.kdb -pw "password of kdb file"

5) Below command will validate given certificate in kdb file

ikeycmd -cert  -validate -label  "Certificate name we need  to validate in KDB file" -db keystore.kdb -pw "password of kdb file"

6) Below command will display the default certificate in kdb file

ikeycmd -cert  -getdefault  -db keystore.kdb -pw "password of kdb file"

7) Below command will set the default certificate in kdb file. This will help to set default personal certificate if there are multiple certificates

ikeycmd -cert  -setdefault  -db keystore.kdb  -label "personal certificate name in KDB file"  -pw "password of kdb file"

8) Below command will import certificate into kdb file. 

ikeycmd -cert  -import -file  "Certificate file"   -pw "password of  the certificate file"   -type pkcs12 -label "personal certificate name to be in KDB file"  
-target_pw   "password of kdb file" -target_type CMS

9) Below command will help to delete certificate from kdb file. 

ikeycmd -cert  -delete -label  "Certificate name we need  to delete from KDB file" -db keystore.kdb -pw "password of kdb file" 

10) Below command will display expiry of ca certificate from kdb file

ikeycmd -cert  -list ca -db keystore.kdb -pw "password of kdb file" -expiry

11) Below command will add the certificate to the exisitng kdb file

ikeycmd -cert -add -file "Filename.crt" -db keystore.kdb -pw "password of kdb file" 

Monday, April 29, 2024

Keytool Commands

which keytool
The will display the default keytool path.

 1) keytool -list -cacerts
This will show cacerts in the server.

2) keytool -list -keystore cacerts

This will show keystore file. It will prompt for keystore password. You need to provide the password for keystore.

3) keytool --v list -keystore cacerts -storepassword "password"

This will show the certificate in verbose mode.

4) keytool --importcert -trustcacerts -noprompt -file "certificatename.cer" -cacerts -alias "certificatelabelname" -storepass "password of the file"
This will import the certificate into cacerts 

5) keytool --importkeystore -srckeystore "file.pfx" -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore "file.jks"-deststoretype JKS -srcstorepass "source keystore password" -deststorepass "destination key store password"
This will import pcks12 certificate that contains root and intermediate into jks format. 

5) keytool --importcert -alias "certificatename in targetfile" -file "file.crt" -keystore "file.jks" -storepass "password of store key password"
This will import new ca certificate into the jks file.

6) keytool  -printcert -file certificate.crt 

This will print the certificate of the file with certificate name , its validitiy and finger print.

7) keytool  -showinfo -tls

This will show the TLS version of the environment and chipers available in this.

8) keytool  -v -list -cacerts -alias "certificatename"

This will show the alias certificate name.

9) keytool -list -keystore -storetype pkcs12 -storepass "keystore password"

This will show the keystore in the server.

10) keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias "certificate alias name "-file C:\temp\mdeCert.cer -keystore cacerts

This will import the certificate into keystore

11. keytool -v -list -keystore wallet.p12

This command will show the certificate in pcks12 format

12. keytool -changealias -keystore keystore.jks -alias 'old name' -destalias 'new aliasname'

This command will help to change alias for the certificate names.

13. To delete the certificate from key store

keytool -delete -alias  "alias name"  -keystore keystore.jks