Showing posts with label Patent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patent. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2024

CopyRight Question and Answers

1. Where is the indian copyright offices located in india ?
a. New Delhi  
b. Kolkata
c. Chennai
d. Mumbai
e. Bengaluru 

2. We can get the following freedom using copy left ?  
a. The freedom to use the work.
b. The freedom to study the work.
c. The freedom to copy the work.
d. The freedom to modify the work.
e. The freedom to share the work with others.

3. What is Copyleft?
a. The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for fixed number of years, prior to print, publish, perform, film 
b. Copyleft is a form of licensing and can be used to maintain copyright conditions for works such as computer software, document  
c. The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator to indefinite period.
d. The exclusive right given to person to copy a document, musical work or artistic material.
e. The exclusive right to use a third party software for a certain number of years.

4. Following types of remedies are available for copyright infringement?
a. Civil Remedy
b. Criminal Remedy
c. Quasi-civil remedy
d. Both (1) & (2) 
e. None of these

5. Identify the correct statements ?
a. Copyrighted work must be fixed in tangible form of expression
b. Derivative work is known as related right, not copyright
c. Motion pictures and sound recordings cannot be protected under copyright
d. Universal Copyright Convention (UCC) and Berne Convention are the two principal international conventions related to copyright.
e. A copyright gives the owner full and exclusive rights on the work.
6. Can i stop others from using my program under the terms of GPL ?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, if my competitor stop paying the annual license fee.    
d. Yes, Once the license get terminated.
e. Yes, once the license get renewal.
7. How does a copyright protected work arrive in public domain ?    
a. Copyright has expired.
b. Copyright owner has failed to follow copyright renewal rules (US).
c. Copyright owner deliberately places it in the public domain, known as "dedication".
d. Copyright law does not protect type of work.
e. As per the directive of deputy register of copyright office.
8. Identify the correct statements ?    (all wrong)
a. The Berne Convention, says that as soon as you write, the work you create is not automatically copyrighted by copy
b. A copyright gives the owner full exclusive rights on the work as copyright owner, you may state that nobody is
c. Freeware is a software that is made available to the public free.
d. Shareware is a system of marketing software at no change on a trail basis. Later user may need to pay.
e. Open source does not necessarily mean free-to-use. Restriction may apply such as attribution, modification and redistricbute

9. Can you restrict people from using the Open Source licensed program ?
a. Yes, because as it is open source, I can put my terms
b. No  
c. Yes, under my defined terms and conditions
d. If OSI (Open Source Initiative ) and FSF (Free software foundations) approve.  
e. Yes, without any terms and conditions.
10 What are the characteristics of a free & Open Source Software License?  
a. The freedom to run the program for any purpose
b. The freedom to change and modify the program
c. The freedom to copy and share the program
d. The freedom to share improved versions of the program
e. None of these 

11. What are incorrect statements ?
a. CopyRight law protects shorts phrases like "make my day".  
b. Shareware is a system of marketing software at no charge on trail basis, later user may need to pay.
c. Freeware is a software that is made available to the public for free.
d. CopyRight protection covers facts, ideas, or theories. 
e. exclusive gifts on the work.
12. What is the span of CopyRight in India ?
a. Life of author + 40 years
b. Life of author + 60 years 
c. Life of author + 70 years
d. Life of author + 90 years
e. Life of author + 20 years
13. Identify the incorrect statements ?
a. Images available in public domain also protected under copyright law. Such work cannot be used without permission.   
b. Plagairsm is an act of fraud. It invloves using someone's work and presenting and maintaining as its one's own.
c. When copying from public domain, user should not be careful to avoid plagarism.  
d. CopyRight infringement does not occur when someone other than copyright holder copies the "ëxpression" of work.  
e. CopyRight infringement may occur if infringing work is "substancially similar" to the copyrighted work.
14. Can you write propietary code that links to a open source shared library?
a. Maybe, Provided Open Source license allows it.
b. No  -- wrong
c. Yes
d. Maybe, if Open Source license comes under GPL.
e. Maybe, if Open Source license comes under LGPL.

Friday, April 26, 2024

IP Patent Question and Answers

 1. Activites involved in certain interoperability standardisation works would be considered as ------------
a. an IP risk
b. a corporate risk
c. a IP threat 
d. an IP vulnerability
e. an IP Infringement

2. What is IP risk tolerance ?
a. Perceived impact on the organization's IP and eventually to business due to IP threat.
b. It is the quantam of type of IP-risk an organization is willing to take in order to meet its strategic objectives.
c. Event/Cicrumstance pertaining to intellectual property with potential to adversely impact the organization.
d. Acceptable level of variation of quantam of type of risk an organization can accept or avoid 
e. weakness or gap that exposes the organization to IP threat.

3.  what are typical impact criteria of IP risk?
a. loss of business and financial value.
b. Damage to reputation
c. Exposure to punitive damages
d. Disruption of plans and deadlines     
e. none of the above

4. How the IP vulnerability due to "Inadequate or no FTO analysis prior to product launch or gap between FTO analysis and product release" can be mitigated?
a. conduct FTO analysis to every product release    
b. conduct Landscape analysis in early stages or product release.
c. Migrate non-FTO analysed customer-deployed version to an FTO analysed version. 
d. Ensure IP safety complaince before commercialization of any company assest. 
e. Conduct Landscape analysis in final stages of product release.

5. Intellectual property risk management is not a process of identifying, analysing and responding to risk factors related to IP throughout the life of an IP right?
a. True
b. False

6. The organizations which are continously harnessing intellectual property for competitive advantage & market share are also exposed to significant risks emananting from within the organization?

   a. True
   b. False 
7. What is IP Risk ?
   a. Risk associated with any knowledge artifacts or an organization
   b. Risk associated with any intangilble assests of an organization
   c. Risk associated with patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets.
   d. Risk associated with products & platforms, solution, concepts, POC/PoT, Frameworks, Components  -- Answer
   e. Risk associated with software products only

8. What do you mean by IP threat ?
        a. Perceived impact on the organization's IP and eventually to business due to IP threat.
b. It is the quantam of type of IP-risk an organization is willing to take in order to meet its strategic objectives.
       c. Event/Cicrumstance pertaining to intellectual property with potential to adversely impact the organization.
d. Acceptable level of variation of quantam of type of risk an organization can accept or avoid 
e. weakness or gap that exposes the organization to IP threat.

9. Where do IP related risks originate ?
    a. Within the organization itself
    b. Government entities
    c. Independent 3rd parties
    d. Illegal entities
    e. None of the above

10. Identify the correct statements?
    a. Intellectual property Risk Management is a process of identifying, analyzing and responding to risk factors related to IP through out the life of an IP right
  b. Intellectual property Risk Management is a process of analyzing exposure to risk and determine how best to handle such exposure
  c. IP Risk Management would analyze the business impact for any specific IP threat considering the likelihood of occurrence as well as IP risk Tolerance of a business
  d. IP Risk profiling would be performed to identify IP threats & vulnerabilites as well as to nail down the consequence on IP for any specific threat and correspondinng
  e. Proper risk management implies control of possible future events and is proactive rather than reactive.

11. Which of the following are IP related threats ?
a. Employees stealing IP from the company
b. Embracing open source software
c. Trade secrets not being propely managed
d. The publishing activities of the business
e. Trademark disputes with 3rd parties

12. A risk register is 
a. A description of the IP threat 
b. A documented record of the identified risks, their significance or rating, and how they are managed or treated
c. An assessment of IP risk tolerance of a specific OU based on current or existing controls as well as business priority.
d. Any progress updates as the treatments are implemented
e. A register which contains all the future business risk details of an organization.

13. What do you mean by IP vulenability ?
    a. Perceived impact on the organization's IP and eventually to business due to IP threat.
    b. It is the quantam of type of IP-risk an organization is willing to take in order to meet its strategic objectives.
    c. Event/Cicrumstance pertaining to intellectual property with potential to adversely impact the organization.
    d. Acceptable level of variation of quantam of type of risk an organization can accept or avoid 
    e. weakness or gap that exposes the organization to IP threat.

14. What do you mean by Risk Appetite ?
    a. Perceived impact on the organization's IP and eventually to business due to IP threat.
  b. It is the quantam of type of IP-risk an organization is willing to take in order to meet its strategic objectives.
    c. Event/Cicrumstance pertaining to intellectual property with potential to adversely impact the organization.
     d. Acceptable level of variation of quantam of type of risk an organization can accept or avoid 
     e. weakness or gap that exposes the organization to IP threat.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Patent Questions and Answers

  1)  Identify the correct statements 
a. Software patents are allowed in Europe Only 
b. Software patent examination is fast and lead to early grant 
c. The criteria for software patentability is country specific and currently open to interpretation due to changing legal landscape 
d. Software patents are granted globally, not country wise 
e. A mathematical or business method or a computer program per se or algorithms are allowed as inventions in software patents. 
2) What are the criteria of patentability? 
a. Novelty 
b. Inventive step 
c. Industry applicability  
d. Best mode 
e. Reduction to Practice or Working model  

3) Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) provides a mechanism for the filing of single international patent application which has the same effect of national applications filed in the designated countries? 
a. True 
b. False  

4) Among the sections of Indian patent act, computer program per se is treated as non-invention? 
a. section 3(m) 
b. section 3 (j) 
c. section 3(k) 
d. section 2(k) 

5) When it is not fully developed enough for filing, what type of filing can be done by the inventors? 
a. provisional patent 

6. An inventor came up with the idea which patent eligible as per section 3 and section 4 of Indian patent Act. Which of the following options is true in such a case? 
a. The inventor can get patent as his idea is novel 
b. The inventor can get patent only if his idea is novel and inventive 
c. The inventor can get patent only if his idea is novel, inventive and has some utility 
d. The inventor can get patent only invention claims anything obviously contrary to well established natural laws. 

7) Computer programs can be considered as patentable inventions when they have a non-technical behavior? 
a. True 
b. False 

8) What is the main purpose of providing CRI (Computer Related Invention) guidelines by Indian patent office? 
a. to classify different types of software patents which are patentable and non-patentable foster uniformity and consistency in the examination of CRIs 
c. to define various types of software patents publish patent application in a more efficient way  
e. to streamline the process of patent filing through regional patent offices across India 

9) Identify the correct statements  
a. Software can be patented in the U.S, if it is unique and tied to the machine 
b.  As per America Invents Act laid out in 2013, any non-US citizen can file a patent in the U.S patent office, only he has  
c. Software patents in the U.S are granted for a period of 18 years from the date of grant of 20 years from the date of filing. 
d. As per America invents Act laid in 2013, patent can be granted on any mathematical formula and on application 
e. As per the America inventions Act laid in 2013, "first inventor to file" is allowed for filing patent applications. 

10) Which of the following inventions are not patent eligible subject matter under section 3 of Indian patent act? 
a. A novel method of water purification 
b. Anti-bacterial and anti-viral property of ginger to cure cold and cough 
c. a system and method for measuring the blood sugar of the person from the fingertip 
d. A machine polluting the air. 
e. A method of agriculture or horticulture. 

11. Identify the incorrect statements?  
a. A provisional application is a non-permanent application which is filed when the invention is in the initial stage and under research to mature in future 
b. A provisional application must be followed by a computer specification within 2 years from the date of provisional application. 
c. Complete after provisional application must be filed within 18 months (about 1 and a half years) after filing of the provisional application. 
d. if the applicant considers that the invention has matured enough to be disclosed but not fully developed, then provisional specification is submitted along with a patent application. 
d. national applications are generally filed at national office such as Indian patent office, to obtain a patent in the country of that office.  

12. What are the requirements of subject matter eligibility under section 101 in the U.S. office? 
a. Claimed invention must be directed to one of the four statutory categories of inventions i.e. process machine, manufacture, or composition of matter. 
b. Claimed invention must not as whole be directed to Judicially recognized exceptions including laws of nature, natural phenomena and abstract idea. 
c. Claimed invention must not as whole be directed to mere-physical phenomena, scientific principles, systems depending only on human intelligence, mental process, disembodied matter. 
d. Claims directed to or encompassing a human organism. 
e. Claims directed to the basic tools of scientific and technological work and claimed as a process, machine, manufacture or composition of matter. 

13) Patent prosecution is the interaction between applicants of their representatives, and the patent office regarding a patent, or an application for a patent.  
a. True 
b. False 
14)  What do you understand by patent application date? 
a. Date on which the patent application was filed 
b. Date on which the patent application was available to the public. 
c. Date on which the patent application was granted notice of allowance. 
d. Date on which the patent application undergoes first examination by patent office 
e. Date on which the patent application is internally published by the patent office. 

15)  Among the following, which is not a Patent granting Authority? 
a.  USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) 
b. EPO (European Patent Office) 
C. JPO (Japan Patent Office) 
d. WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) 
E. IPO (Indian Patent Office) 

16) Bibliographic Information of a patent document does not provide which of the following information? 
A. Inventors/Applicant/Assignee 
B. Priority date/ filed date /grant date 
C. References Cited /Classifications 
D. Publication date 
E. Detailed description 

17) A Patent document is a ------------------- 
A. Legal document 
B. non-legal document 
C. Technical document 
D. Functional document 
F. Business document  
18)  Patents must be renewed by paying a renewal fee so that they are kept "in-force"? 
A. True 
B. False  

19) Which section of the patent document defines the scope of invention? 
A. Summary  
B. Description 
C. Claims 
D. Drawings 
E. Abstract 

21) A number published on the document at USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office) is Choose correct option?  
A. Patent Application publication number  
B. Granted patent number for design patent 
C. Granted patent number for utility patent 
D. Patent Application number 
E. Reissued patent number 

22) As per the manual of patent examination procedure (MPEP), an applicant can amend the claims during prosecution. Which of the following is true? 
A. Yes, without any restrictions and anytime during the examination phase 
B. Yes, only if amended claim is sufficiently disclosed in the description  
C. Yes, and moreover additional subject matter may be added to the specification in support of
the claims before the final office action. 
D. Once filed, claims cannot be modified unless there is a written approval from supervisory Patent examiner.
E. Yes, but only the dependent claims can be amended and at any time during the examination phase 

23) To determine literal infringement of a competitor's product on a company patented invention in U.S It is sufficient to check which of the following? 
A. All the elements of at least one of the independent claims of a company granted patent, maps to the features of the competitors product. 
B. The functions performed by the competitor's product should be present in the description of the Company granted patent. 
C. The functions performed by the competitor's product should be present in the summary of the Company granted patent. 
D. At least one of the elements claimed in the dependent claim of the Company granted patent should map to the functions performed by the competitor product. 
E. The functions performed by the competitor's product should be present in the abstract and description of the Company granted patent. 

24) Arrange the following in the chronological sequence of patent filing to Patent grant as per examination norms laid out by the Indian patent office. 
1. Office action 
2. Request for examination 
3. Publication of Patent 
4. Examination of Patent 
5.  Patent Grant 
1-->2-->4--> 3-->5 

25) 1. A device, the device compromising a writing instrument, and at least one light source attached to the writing instrument  
2. The device in claim 1, wherein the least one light source is detachably attached to the writing instrument. 
Choose correct answer 
        a.  Claim 1 is an independent apparatus claim 
          b.  Claim 2 is dependent method 
          c.   Comprising is an element of the independent claim.
          d.   "A writing instrument, and at least one light source attached to the writing instrument" are transitional phrases of the independent claim. 
        e. Claim 1 is dependent apparatus claim. 

26) In case of U.S patent application, the background section of a patent document provides which of the following?  
A. Existing technology relating to the field of invention as of today. 
B. Existing technology relating to the field of invention at the time of filing patent application for the invention. 
C. Limitations and problems in the art at the time of patent application. 
D. Existing technology relating to the field of invention at the time of grant of the patent application. 
E. Existing technology relating to the field of invention at the time of publishing of patent application. 

27 ) An Application residing in the U.K, files a patent application in india claiming priority from the first applicantion in UK. The terms of patent granted in india will be.
A. 20 years from the date of filing of the earliest application (U.K Application)   
B. 20 years from the date of filing the application in india
C. 17 years from the date of grant of application in india   
D. 20 years from the date of publication of the application    
E. 20 years from the date of filing or later filed application (Indian Application)  

28) Identify the correct statements  
A. In most patent rules, renewal annuities or Maintenace fees must be regularly paid in order to keep the patent in force. 
B. Patent maintenance begins after the publication of patent application. 
C. The term of the patent is the maximum period for which it can be maintained in force. 
D. In certain jurisdictions, patent renewal fee also varies based on number of claims in the patent. 
E. The term of every patent in India is twenty years from the date of filing of the patent application, irrespective of whether it is filed with provisional or complete specification

29)   Among these, identify what is not present in an indian patent application ?
A. Claims
C. Abstract
D. Features