Friday, April 26, 2024

IP Patent Question and Answers

 1. Activites involved in certain interoperability standardisation works would be considered as ------------
a. an IP risk
b. a corporate risk
c. a IP threat 
d. an IP vulnerability
e. an IP Infringement

2. What is IP risk tolerance ?
a. Perceived impact on the organization's IP and eventually to business due to IP threat.
b. It is the quantam of type of IP-risk an organization is willing to take in order to meet its strategic objectives.
c. Event/Cicrumstance pertaining to intellectual property with potential to adversely impact the organization.
d. Acceptable level of variation of quantam of type of risk an organization can accept or avoid 
e. weakness or gap that exposes the organization to IP threat.

3.  what are typical impact criteria of IP risk?
a. loss of business and financial value.
b. Damage to reputation
c. Exposure to punitive damages
d. Disruption of plans and deadlines     
e. none of the above

4. How the IP vulnerability due to "Inadequate or no FTO analysis prior to product launch or gap between FTO analysis and product release" can be mitigated?
a. conduct FTO analysis to every product release    
b. conduct Landscape analysis in early stages or product release.
c. Migrate non-FTO analysed customer-deployed version to an FTO analysed version. 
d. Ensure IP safety complaince before commercialization of any company assest. 
e. Conduct Landscape analysis in final stages of product release.

5. Intellectual property risk management is not a process of identifying, analysing and responding to risk factors related to IP throughout the life of an IP right?
a. True
b. False

6. The organizations which are continously harnessing intellectual property for competitive advantage & market share are also exposed to significant risks emananting from within the organization?

   a. True
   b. False 
7. What is IP Risk ?
   a. Risk associated with any knowledge artifacts or an organization
   b. Risk associated with any intangilble assests of an organization
   c. Risk associated with patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets.
   d. Risk associated with products & platforms, solution, concepts, POC/PoT, Frameworks, Components  -- Answer
   e. Risk associated with software products only

8. What do you mean by IP threat ?
        a. Perceived impact on the organization's IP and eventually to business due to IP threat.
b. It is the quantam of type of IP-risk an organization is willing to take in order to meet its strategic objectives.
       c. Event/Cicrumstance pertaining to intellectual property with potential to adversely impact the organization.
d. Acceptable level of variation of quantam of type of risk an organization can accept or avoid 
e. weakness or gap that exposes the organization to IP threat.

9. Where do IP related risks originate ?
    a. Within the organization itself
    b. Government entities
    c. Independent 3rd parties
    d. Illegal entities
    e. None of the above

10. Identify the correct statements?
    a. Intellectual property Risk Management is a process of identifying, analyzing and responding to risk factors related to IP through out the life of an IP right
  b. Intellectual property Risk Management is a process of analyzing exposure to risk and determine how best to handle such exposure
  c. IP Risk Management would analyze the business impact for any specific IP threat considering the likelihood of occurrence as well as IP risk Tolerance of a business
  d. IP Risk profiling would be performed to identify IP threats & vulnerabilites as well as to nail down the consequence on IP for any specific threat and correspondinng
  e. Proper risk management implies control of possible future events and is proactive rather than reactive.

11. Which of the following are IP related threats ?
a. Employees stealing IP from the company
b. Embracing open source software
c. Trade secrets not being propely managed
d. The publishing activities of the business
e. Trademark disputes with 3rd parties

12. A risk register is 
a. A description of the IP threat 
b. A documented record of the identified risks, their significance or rating, and how they are managed or treated
c. An assessment of IP risk tolerance of a specific OU based on current or existing controls as well as business priority.
d. Any progress updates as the treatments are implemented
e. A register which contains all the future business risk details of an organization.

13. What do you mean by IP vulenability ?
    a. Perceived impact on the organization's IP and eventually to business due to IP threat.
    b. It is the quantam of type of IP-risk an organization is willing to take in order to meet its strategic objectives.
    c. Event/Cicrumstance pertaining to intellectual property with potential to adversely impact the organization.
    d. Acceptable level of variation of quantam of type of risk an organization can accept or avoid 
    e. weakness or gap that exposes the organization to IP threat.

14. What do you mean by Risk Appetite ?
    a. Perceived impact on the organization's IP and eventually to business due to IP threat.
  b. It is the quantam of type of IP-risk an organization is willing to take in order to meet its strategic objectives.
    c. Event/Cicrumstance pertaining to intellectual property with potential to adversely impact the organization.
     d. Acceptable level of variation of quantam of type of risk an organization can accept or avoid 
     e. weakness or gap that exposes the organization to IP threat.

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