1. Where is the indian copyright offices located in india ?
a. New Delhi
b. Kolkata
c. Chennai
d. Mumbai
e. Bengaluru
b. Kolkata
c. Chennai
d. Mumbai
e. Bengaluru
2. We can get the following freedom using copy left ?
a. The freedom to use the work.
b. The freedom to study the work.
c. The freedom to copy the work.
d. The freedom to modify the work.
e. The freedom to share the work with others.
a. The freedom to use the work.
b. The freedom to study the work.
c. The freedom to copy the work.
d. The freedom to modify the work.
e. The freedom to share the work with others.
3. What is Copyleft?
a. The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for fixed number of years, prior to print, publish, perform, film
b. Copyleft is a form of licensing and can be used to maintain copyright conditions for works such as computer software, document
c. The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator to indefinite period.
d. The exclusive right given to person to copy a document, musical work or artistic material.
e. The exclusive right to use a third party software for a certain number of years.
a. The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator for fixed number of years, prior to print, publish, perform, film
b. Copyleft is a form of licensing and can be used to maintain copyright conditions for works such as computer software, document
c. The exclusive and assignable legal right, given to the originator to indefinite period.
d. The exclusive right given to person to copy a document, musical work or artistic material.
e. The exclusive right to use a third party software for a certain number of years.
4. Following types of remedies are available for copyright infringement?
a. Civil Remedy
b. Criminal Remedy
c. Quasi-civil remedy
d. Both (1) & (2)
e. None of these
a. Civil Remedy
b. Criminal Remedy
c. Quasi-civil remedy
d. Both (1) & (2)
e. None of these
5. Identify the correct statements ?
a. Copyrighted work must be fixed in tangible form of expression
b. Derivative work is known as related right, not copyright
c. Motion pictures and sound recordings cannot be protected under copyright
d. Universal Copyright Convention (UCC) and Berne Convention are the two principal international conventions related to copyright.
e. A copyright gives the owner full and exclusive rights on the work.
6. Can i stop others from using my program under the terms of GPL ?
a. Yes
b. No
c. Yes, if my competitor stop paying the annual license fee.
d. Yes, Once the license get terminated.
e. Yes, once the license get renewal.
7. How does a copyright protected work arrive in public domain ?
a. Copyright has expired.
b. Copyright owner has failed to follow copyright renewal rules (US).
c. Copyright owner deliberately places it in the public domain, known as "dedication".
d. Copyright law does not protect type of work.
e. As per the directive of deputy register of copyright office.
8. Identify the correct statements ? (all wrong)
a. The Berne Convention, says that as soon as you write, the work you create is not automatically copyrighted by copy
b. A copyright gives the owner full exclusive rights on the work as copyright owner, you may state that nobody is
c. Freeware is a software that is made available to the public free.
d. Shareware is a system of marketing software at no change on a trail basis. Later user may need to pay.
e. Open source does not necessarily mean free-to-use. Restriction may apply such as attribution, modification and redistricbute
9. Can you restrict people from using the Open Source licensed program ?
a. Yes, because as it is open source, I can put my terms
b. No
c. Yes, under my defined terms and conditions
d. If OSI (Open Source Initiative ) and FSF (Free software foundations) approve.
e. Yes, without any terms and conditions.
10 What are the characteristics of a free & Open Source Software License?
a. The freedom to run the program for any purpose
b. The freedom to change and modify the program
c. The freedom to copy and share the program
d. The freedom to share improved versions of the program
e. None of these
11. What are incorrect statements ?
a. CopyRight law protects shorts phrases like "make my day".
b. Shareware is a system of marketing software at no charge on trail basis, later user may need to pay.
c. Freeware is a software that is made available to the public for free.
d. CopyRight protection covers facts, ideas, or theories.
e. exclusive gifts on the work.
12. What is the span of CopyRight in India ?
a. Life of author + 40 years
b. Life of author + 60 years
c. Life of author + 70 years
d. Life of author + 90 years
e. Life of author + 20 years
13. Identify the incorrect statements ?
a. Images available in public domain also protected under copyright law. Such work cannot be used without permission.
b. Plagairsm is an act of fraud. It invloves using someone's work and presenting and maintaining as its one's own.
c. When copying from public domain, user should not be careful to avoid plagarism.
d. CopyRight infringement does not occur when someone other than copyright holder copies the "ëxpression" of work.
e. CopyRight infringement may occur if infringing work is "substancially similar" to the copyrighted work.
14. Can you write propietary code that links to a open source shared library?
a. Maybe, Provided Open Source license allows it.
b. No -- wrong
c. Yes
d. Maybe, if Open Source license comes under GPL.
e. Maybe, if Open Source license comes under LGPL.
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