Showing posts with label IT Security. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IT Security. Show all posts

Friday, December 17, 2021

IT Security Questions and Answers


1) An exercise to test a specific outage scenario ------ DRILL 

2) It is an event that may lead to disruption to service delivery ------ INCIDENT 

3) A natural calamity caused due to continuous heavy rainfall leading to disruption in transportation ------ FLOODING 

4) A contract through which to parties agree not to disclosure any confidential information ------ NDA ( NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT) 

5) A malicious software code that causes disruption in computer systems and corruption of system/data file -- VIRUS 

6) It is a near to real-time exercise to test the BCP ---- SIMULATION 

7) An encrypted and secure connection over the internet from device/site -- VPN (VIRTUAL PRIVATE NETWORK )

8) An activity of copying and storing current data for future restoration, if needed following a crisis --- BACKUP 

9) Possibility that an event will occur and adversely affect the business --- RISK 

10) ------- is a plan prepared to use at the time of crisis to restore services -- BCP (BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN) 

11) ------- outage will lead to connectivity issues while working from office or home. -- NETWORK 

12) An ------ is a result of an incident that may cause loss of processes or services having business impact OUTAGE 

13) The Risk response is opted when an action can be taken to minimize the risk exposure ---- REDUCE 

14) A -------- drill which is conducted in a conference room were participant discuss about test steps across the table -- TABLE TOP 

15) A document describing the scope, objective and steps to be followed to test continuity plan for any service outage scenario (4,4) ---------- TEST PLAN 

16) The duration of time for which the data backup should be kept securely is referred as ----------- period RETENTION 

17) ------------ is used to reach out to associates in the event of crisis --- CALLTREE 

18) One of the risk responses when we do not want to take any action to reduce the risk exposure and carry risk as it is --- ACCEPT 

19) A key role for co-ordination and management of business continuity and crisis management activities ---- (CML) -- CRISIS MANAGEMENT LEAD 

20) A systematic way to determine and evaluate the potential effects on business due to unavailability of a service/asset is known as ------------- BIA (Business Impact Analysis)

21) A break or interruption in the BAU activates is called -------------- DISRUPTION 

22) ------ is plan to recover facility infrastructure and related services following a major disaster --- DRP (DISASTER RECOVERY PLAN)

23) An internal operational agreement describing the responsibility and timeframe for the delivery of services required at the time of crisis --------- OLA (Operational Level Agreement)

24) An objective in terms of period, used to determine data backup strategy so that it can be recovered following a disruption. it also reflects am acceptable duration of data loss -------- RPO (Recovery Point Objective )

 25)An alternative work location that is pre-equipped and can be activated in a very short time frame is also referred as -------- HOT SITE 

26) -------- Management committee supports smooth invocation of BCP during any disaster. CRISIS 

27) The risk response is selected when risk is transferred from one party to other party --------- TRANSFER 

28) A written agreement between a service provider and customer that captured agreed timelines or service levels for a service/ activity performed by the service provider --- SLA (Service Level Agreement) 

29) An Asset is called ------- when there is a possibility of getting hacked / unauthorized access. VULNERABLE 

30) An alternative work location that has basic infra structure and needs lead time to make to ready for operations and continue delivery is also referred as ---------------  WARM SITE

31) It is an output of discovering the actual /real causes of problems in order to identify appropriate solutions. RCA (Root Cause Analysis) 

32) Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability are three triads of ------ SECURITY  

33) An event that may occur and can lead to adverse impact on availability of facility/infrastructure/ services -- THREAT 
34) To reduce exposure to risk we------ risk. MITIGATE 
35) In case of ----- two assets' modules operate in active and standby mode.  REDUNDANCY 
36 ) Ability to quickly adopt to disruptions while maintaining business operation -- RESILENCE
37)When primary site is unavailable ------ recovery site ensures continuity of services. Warm site
38)Target time to restore minimum required critical services following a disruption ------------- RTO (Recovery Time Objective)
39) A management system that establishes, implements, operates, monitors, reviews and maintains and improves business continuity ------- BCMS (Business Continuity Management System)