Friday, January 18, 2008

Testing terminology in company

Review: review is process of studying or checking depending upon the role involved in it.
Ex: developers review the process where quality assurance people will check whether process is perfect or not.
Review report: review report is an outcome document of review which may contain either list of doubts or list of comments, depending on the role involved in it.
Peer review: It is an alternative form of testing, where colleagues were invited to examine your work products for defects and improvement opportunities
Peer review report: it is an outcome document of a peer review which contains list of comments.
Pass around: it is a multiple concurrent peer desk check where several people are invites to provide comments on the product.
Work around: It is temporally alternate solution provided if at any problem is araised.
Inspection: Inspection is a process of checking conduced on roles without any prior intimation. Usually they dig down to the details during this process. It is more systematic
And rigorous type of peer review. Inspections are more effective at finding defects than are informal reviews.
Ex: In Motorola iridium project nearly 80% of defects are detected through inspections where only 60% of the defects are detected through informal review.
Audit: Audit is a process of checking conducted on roles (or) departments with prior intimation well in advance.
Tow types of audits are there
(1)Internal audit
(2)External audit
If at all the audit is conducted by the resources within the company then it is known as internal audit.
If it the entire audit is conducted by the third party resources then it is called external audit.
Team reviews: it is planned and structured approach but less formal and less rigorous comparing to inspections.
Walk through: walk through is defined an informal meeting b/w the roles.
Code walk through: code walk through is a process of checking conducted on roles by the quality assurance people where in they go through the source code in order to check the coding standards.
Check list: The checklist helps to improve the presence of value to the so that it is easy to understand the code.
(1)Comments the every page, methods and classes
(2)Naming conventions
(3)Tool tips for every control
(4)Validations according to meta data
(5)Consistent look and feelings css
(6)Only labels for writing the field names
(7)Adding comments to table’s views and stored procedures in database.
(8)Exception handling
(9)Partitions the code into regions with the appropriate name

Validation: validation is a process of validating the developed product. Validation is done by testing team or customer or third party testing team.
Verification: verification is process of monitoring and checking that whether the product is developing in right manner or not. Usually quality assurance people will do it.
Quality control: Quality control is a process of validating the developed product .usually they do the validation.
Quality assurance: Quality assurance is the process of monitoring and guiding each and every role in the organization to follow the guidelines right from starting from the process still the ending of process. Usually they do the verification with the help of reviews, check lists, inspections and audits.
Non conformance (NC): when ever the role is not following the process, the penalty will be given for him in terms of NC.
Software configuration management (SCM): software configuration management is a process in which mainly they concentration on two tasks
Change control: change control is a process of updating the related documents whenever some changes are made to the application in order to keep the documents and application in sink with each other at any point of time
Version control: version control is a process of maintaining the naming conventions and version numbers.
Common repository: it is basically a server which act as storage place and can access only by the authorized users.
Check-in: it is a process of uploading the documents to the common repository.
Checkout: it is a process of uploading the documents from the common repository.
Base lining: base lining is a process of finalizing the documents.
Publish: publish is a process of making the baseline documents available to the relevant roles by uploading them to them to the common repository with a special icon representation.
Release: It is process of sending application from the development department to the testing department.
Delivery: It is process of sending the tested application from the company to the client.
Software delivery note: It is document prepared by the development department and sent to the testing department during the release, which contain the following info
(1)Build path information
(2)Deployment document path info
(3)Test data path information
(4) Known issues document path information
(5)Release manager mail
(6)Build no
(7) Version no
(8) Released date
(9) Module name
Software deliver note: It is a document prepared by the testing department with the support of project manager and business analyst an will be given to the customer at the time of delivery it contains the following information
(1) User manual
(2) Known issues
Corrective action: when ever the role has committed a repairable mistake then one will take care of corrective action in order to correct that mistake.
Preventive action: If at all the role has committed an irreparable mistakes then one will take care of preventive action in order to preventive that type of mistake.
Defect product: If at all product is not justifying some of requirements but still it is usable then such type of products is called as defect products.
Defective products: If the entire product is not justifying the requirements as well as not usable then such type of products are called as defective products.
Bench mark: Bench mark is defined as standard with which usually we compare it. in testing department we can consider the expected value has bench marks.
Prototype: It is defined as roughly and rapidly developed model which is used for demonstrating to the client in order to gather the clear requirements. An win the confidence of the customer.
Pair programming: two developers together on same program at a single work station and continuously reviewing their work.
Brain storming: A learning technique involving from open group discussion intended to expand the range of available ideas. A meeting to generate creative ideas.
Change request: change request is a process of requesting the developers to incorporate the changes to do the same usually
Impact analysis: After the changes are requested by the customer the analysts will analyze how much impact will fall on the already developed part if they incorporate these changes, this process is called as impact analysis.
Slippage: it is defined as an extra time taken to accomplish a specific task.
Slippage=actual time taken-expected time.
Escalation: escalation is a process of intimating any kind of problematic situation related information to the superiors’ .usually it is done in different levels.
1st level ------------team lead
2nd level -----------quality lead
3rd level -----------quality manager
4th level ------------team manager
5th level ------------project manager
Code optimization: code optimization is a process of reducing the no of lines or complexity of the code in order to increase the performance of an application. This is also called as fine tuning.
Traceability matrix: It is a document used for tracking the requirements, test cases and the defects. It is prepared to make client satisfy that coverage done is complete as end to end. It contains requirement base line document, reference number, test case /condition, bug or defect id. Using this document the person can track the requirement based on the defect id. It contains which contain some linking information used for tracing back for reference in ambiguous situation. It is also called as traceability matrix.
Hard coding: It is a process of incorporating the constant values directly into the program.
Patch: when ever the test engineer reject the build the developer will do some patch work to the build and release the same build as patch.
Project report: It is report prepared by the test lead well in advance before the periodic project meeting conducted.
Periodic project meeting (PPM): periodic project meeting is conducted periodically in order to discuss the status of project. Where in they discuss the following points.
(1) Percentage covered in project during the period
(2) Percentage not covered in the project during the period.
(3) Tasks completed during the period
(4) Total defect metrics.
(5) Any slippages.
(6) Reasons for the slippages.
(7) Team related hr issues.
(8) Technical issues.
Management representative meetings (MRN): It is meeting conducted in order to discuss the status of the company where in they discuss the following points
(1) Success rate and growth rate of the company
(2) Projects that are recently signed off.
(3) Projects that are pipelined
(4) Customer appraisal
(5) Customer negative command
(6) Future plans
(7) Internal audit reports
(8) Individual appraisal
Ticket: when the role has to access the permissions or any technical or fair related issues then the role send mail to the related persons.
Knowledge transfer (KT): It is a training program in which the project leads or project managers give domain knowledge to the team so that before developing the project the roles can understand the requirements and functionality so that they understand and develop the code or test cases depending upon the roles.
Defect leakage: It occurs at the customer or end user side after the application delivery. If any user gets any type of defects by using the application then it is called as defect leakage.
Hot fix: Bug find at customer place with high priority where there is no testcases for compatibility testing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for providing