Saturday, March 22, 2008

Defect Life Cycle

Bug life cycle:

Bug life contains seven status

New :If tester find the bug at first time then he put status as new

Closed :After developer fixed the bug if bug was not able to reproduce then the tester set it status as Closed

Fixed:After tester send the bug report if the developer fix the bug then he put the status as Fixed

Rejected :After tester send the bug report if the developer does not satisfy that as bug the he put the status as rejected.

Open:After tester send the bug report if the developer needs some more calrification on that bug then he put the statusas open and put comments as "need calarification" .

After developer fixed the bug ,if the tester reproduce the same but when performing regression testing the he set the status as open(reopen)

As per requirements :If the requirements are changed and the tester would not have idea on that then if he will set it as bug,then the developer will then set it status as As per requirements

Not able to Reproduce:If there was any bug found in client location but stiil it was unable to produce in company location then he put the status as Not able to reproduce

Description of Bug life cycle:

there are two ways the report the bugs

1)using bug tracking tools like bugzilla etc.

2)using Excel sheet

When ever a new build is released then the tester will tested the build using his testcase document.

if bug is found then he will set it status as new.then the developer can check the bug whether it is bug or not by using crossreference matrix.if he reproduce the bug then he will fixed the bug other wise he will check just rejected the bug and set it status as rejected.

then once again the tester tested the old functionlity,to ensure that whether the bug is fixed or not if the bug is fixed the he set the status as closed,other wise he will set the status as open.if he find a new when testing the old functionality then will set the status as new. that means when tester find the bug at first time then he will set the status as new other wise he put the status as open.when developer wants some more clarification that bug then he will set the status as open.then he will rectify that bug later.And if the requirements are changed and the tester would not have idea on that then he will set it as bug,the developer will then set it status as As per requirements.
After testing completion in company once again user acceptence testing will be performed in client environment.If there was any bug found in client location but stiil it was unable to produce in company location then he put the status as Not able to reproduce

once user acceptance testing is completed then the buld moved into production.
I there was any severe Issue occured where there was no testcase then it call hotfix.
then the developer wiil immediately want to fix the bug.

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