Tuesday, December 28, 2010

SQL server BI Interview Questions

1) Find the last date of the given month.

declare   @date date;

set @date='2/5/2012'; --- here you can put what ever date you want

select dateadd(m,DATEDIFF(m,0,@date)+1,-1)

2)will the following query will execute

;with cte as


select * from dbo.table1


insert into dbo.table1

select 5,null

select * from cte
---- the above query will throw error because CTE is scope for single statement.
3)what is a derived table

select MAX(salary) from (select empid,salary from #temp

where salary between 3000 and 5000) as derivedtable

4) Getting 3rd Highest Salary without using top and ranking functions

5) Select top 2 highest salaries from emp;

1) select top 2 * from emp order by salary desc


2) ;with cte as


Select *, row_number() over (order by salary desc) as row


Select * from cte where row<3

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