Monday, May 12, 2014

Install SQL Server 2014 step by step using screen shots

Last week I have downloaded SQL Server 2014 from Microsoft website. 
The download size is 2.09GB. I have downloaded .CAB version. Also it’s available in ISO download. The download is available two types of downloads 32 bit or 64 bit. SQL Server setup is available in different languages. I have downloaded English version which is commonly used in various countries.

I have 64 bit operating system so I downloaded the 64 bit file.

I installed it in my Laptop successfully.  I installed the SQL server 2014 as administrator.
These are my Laptop Configurations.

System Type: 64 –bit Operating System
Operating System: Windows 7 Home basic Service Pack1
Processor: Intel(R) Core™ i5 CPU M480 @2.67GHZ 2.66GHZ
The prep requites for installing SQL Server 2014 is Previous version of SQL Server should not installed.

Also Visual Studio should not be installed in Laptop.
Once you have downloaded SQL Server 2014 from Microsoft website.

 Then Extract the .cab set up as shown below

Once the file extraction completed successfully it will launch the SQL Server Installation Center.

Go to installation tab.
I cannot install failover cluster as operating system does not support the installation of clustered node.
So I have selected the Stand alone installation

Once selected the New SQL Server Stand-alone installation it will open the SQL Server 2014 setup.

In order to install SQL Server setup should pass all the global rules. If any rule fails the setup will abort the installation.
The list of global rules is shown as below.

Once all rules passed will go to product updates tab. The setup will search for new updates if internet is connected to the system.
Ignore the error message shown here and click on next

If any updated is found in next step it will include the updates in the setup. 

Then next step is installation rules. if any of the given installation rules fails system will abort the SQL Server setup.  Some of the important prerequisites before installation is SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence should not be installed. Prior to SQL Server 2012 BI tools is included in SQL Server setup.

From SQL Server 2012 onwards SQL server BI tools need to install separately called as SQL Server data tools.

 SQL Server 2014 CTP1 should not present in system. It’s better to uninstall previous versions of SQL server present in system.

Once installation rules passed next step is installation type

Installation Type allows you to install a new installation or add features to an existing instance.
Also it will display the existing installed instances

I have selected the perform new installation. Then next step is specifying the product version.

I selected the free edition (Evaluation edition and Expression editions available as free editions).
Evaluation edition contains all the features of SQL server but with 180 days expiration.
Then next step is accepting license terms

Next setup role provides an option to individually select which features components to install.
I have selected the SQL Server feature installation.

Features selection allows selecting the individual features for an instance. we can install only the components we required.  I have selected all the features.

Feature rules determine if the installation process will be blocked.

Specify the instance name in instance configuration tab. we can select either default instance or named instance. SQL Server allows only one default instance and up to 49 named instances.

If we select default instances then instance name will be MSSQLSever.

Server configuration allows specifying the service accounts and SQL server collation.

We can changes the SQL server collation using collation tab. By default SQL server uses the SQL_Latin1_General_CP__CI_AS collation.

Next step is Database Engine configuration. It will allow configuring the server security.

We can use mixed mode or windows authentication mode. Windows authentication provides more secure than SQL Server authentication. Specify at least one SQL Server administrator to have unrestricted access to SQL server.

Data directory tab allows configuring the database files configuration.

File stream tab allows enabling file stream for T-SQL access. File stream allows the database to store the blob files in File system. all files will be also part of database backup.

Next step Analysis Service configuration is similar to database configuration which allows to specify the security and data directories.

Reporting services configuration is used for configure the reporting services.

Next step feature configuration rules determine whether the installation process will succeeded or failed.

Next step is ready to install.

Then click on install .and verify the installation.

Wait until the installation completes as shown below.

SQL server 2014 installed successfully. for verify the installation Connect all the services to ensure all installed components are working properly.

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