Thursday, April 2, 2015

Deploy reports files in SSRS (Report Server) using GUI tools

There are many ways to deploy the SSRS reports in Report Server. The most convenient methods are 

Using GUI tools

  • using Solution Explorer (SSDT)
  • Report Manager
  • Report Builder
Using Command Line utilities

  •  Power-Shell Scripts
  • Rs.exe Scripter (in house tool )  

Using Solution Explorer : 

It easy deploy the SSRS Report file using the solution explorer.

Right click on the project as shown below.

Click on Properties. Under the Deployment Section there are several properties.

Overwrite Data Sources : If this property is set to true then it will overwrite the existing data source in the report server. If the report need to use shared data source which is already available in report server then it need to set to false.

TargetDataSourceFolder : This property is used for setting the Target data source folder. 

TargetReportFolder This property is used for setting the Target report folder. 

TargetReportServerURL : This property is used for setting the Report server URL. It is the URL used by report manager for browsing the reports and executing reports.

TargetReportServerVersion: This property is used for setting the report server database used to connect through reports.  if unsure about version then click on detect version then it will automatically set the respective SQL Server version.

Once all setting done click apply and OK.

Select the report that need to deploy. Right Click on the Report. Click on Deploy.

If the user has sufficient permission to deploy the report then it will successfully deploy the report.

Note : Make sure that when deploying the report run the visual studio (Data tools) as administrator.

Verify the report deployed in report server.

StudentMarks report deployed successfully.  Click on the report to view the data.

The Second way to deploy the SSRS report is using the report manager. For test purpose am deleting the same report and deploy through the report manager.

Deploy using Report Manager : 

It's easy to deploy the reports using the report manager.  Click on Upload File

Browse the report (rdl) path and click OK.

if the check box Overwrite item if exists is checked then the report will replace the same existing report.

Report deployed successfully.

Deploy using Report Builder : 

SSRS Reports can also be deployed using Report Builder.

Open/Create the report in Report Builder which is similar to data tools.

Go to Menu tab and Publish the report parts.

Click on the Publish Report Parts. It will show two options. If report settings already done properly select the option publish all report parts with default settings.Click on that and verify in report manager whether report deployed successfully. 

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