Thursday, May 21, 2015

Create Subscriptions in SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services)

How to Create Subscription in SSRS 

The User Interface has been changed Slightly in SQL Server for SSRS report manager.

The old Interface in Report manager to create reports. When Click on report it will show the settings in tabular mode. By default it will show report view mode.

In SQL Server 2012 Microsoft has changed the user interface of report manager for creating subscriptions. This is

Click on Subscribe.  It will Report Delivery options.  

The Different options under Delivery types are 

By default E-mail will be selected. Select E-mail , T0 , CC,Subject. Select the Check Box include report so that report will be send as attachment . There are different rendering formats for sending the report as attachment.

These settings can be done in RSReporServer config file. The RSreport server generally stored in the similar path given below.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\ReportServerName\Reporting Services\ReportServer\RsReportServer.config

Click on schedule to schedule the report to run a specific time.

Select Schedule of report (daily,weekly etc). Select the start date of the report that need to schedule.

The prerequisites for creating SSRS Subscriptions are

1) Create SQL Login and  map the login ReportServer Database. ReportServer Database will be created when SSRS services installed.  

2) In Report Manager Go to Data source. Click on Data Source as shown below.

3) Select the option Credential stored securely in the report server and provide SQL username and password. Click on Test connection to test the connectivity and Click on Apply.

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