Monday, May 11, 2015

Deploy multiple in SSRS using PowerShell

Using Power shell we can Deploy multiple Reports in folder to SSRS Report server. It is easy to deploy all the reports at a time using the power shell script.

The script can be download using the following link.

Deploy Multiple Reports using a common datasource.

It requires four mandatory parameters.

1) Reporturl :  The Report Server URL. The Report manager is used for publishing /Viewing the reports. 

2) ReportFileFolderPath :  The local path that report exist in the folder.

3)ReportServerFolder :  Report Server folder path for deploying reports. Report server maintains the folder hierarchy to maintain the report level permissions.

4) Reportserverversion : The report webservice version. For SQL Server 2005/2008 it uses the report webservice 2005, For SQLserver 2008 R2/2012/2014 it uses the Report webservice 2010.

The important methods and commands that are used in the script.

Get-Childitem : List all the files in a folder. In this script it filters all the rdl files that are available in the given folder.

New-WebserviceProxy : Creates the proxy to connect the reporting server web service.

ListChildren : List all the report in a specified report server folder.

DeleteItem : Delete item method used to delete the specified report.

gc Or Get-Content : used to get the text/data from the file.

CreateReport : used to deploy the report in report server for the specified report. This method is only applicable to report web service 2005. For the report web service 2010 it used the CreateCatalogItem method.

The screen given below can used for reference.

The above script written only for deploying reports that uses the common data source.

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