Saturday, May 16, 2015

Logging in SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services)

How to Log Errors/Warning in SSIS

Its easy to log execution details, errors,warning in SSIS. In order to log execution events.

Go to SSIS Menu

Click on Logging as shown in the above.

There are multiple options to log the events in SSIS. Different Options are

1) SSIS Log Provider for SQL Server Profiler : Log Events will be saved in trace files. The Log can be opened using SQL Server profiler. Later it can be saved  into SQL Server database using the method fn_trace_gettable

2) SSIS Log Provider for XML files : Log Events will be saved in XML Files. This XML file we can save into SQL Server later using the Rowset functions (OPENXML).

3) SSIS Log provider for SQL Server : Log Events will be saved in SQL Server. SQL Server creates an internal table.

The log details will be stored in sysssislog table. The message column stores the error message.

4) Sqlserver log provider for Windows Event Log : Log Events will be saved in Windows Event Log.

5)Sqlserver log provider for Text files : Log events will be saved in text files.

There are two tabs to configure the logs in ssis.

1) Providers and Logs :

In this we can select the log providers to save the log events include errors,warnings.

2) Details : In this tab we can select list of events that required for logging.


Anjali Verma said...

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James Zicrov said...

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SSIS Postgresql Write

James Zicrov said...

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SSIS Postgresql Read

James Zicrov said...

I feel SSIS is the best and most useful tool or rather software which can ease out the most complex and large no.of volumnious database operations anyhow.This will eventually supplement solutions for many problems.

SSIS Postgresql Write