Friday, June 25, 2021

Unix Server health check commands


1) To check the top process used in Unix server 


Above command will provide details CPU Usage , order top processed based on their CPU usage in descending order.

2) To check the unix OS version used in Unix server 

oslevel -s

3) To check the unix ssl version 

lslpp -l | grep -i opessh

4) Memory related commands


provides the system configuration. No of logical cpus, current ram allocated, entitle ment of CPU etc.

svmon -G

Provides the details of usage of memory usage and free space in server memory.

lparstat -i |egrep 'Memory|CPU'

Provides the details of no of virtual CPU , Max CPU,Min CPU, Max and Min memory , Active Cpus etc.

4) To check process in the unix

ps -ef | grep processname

to check the idle process

ps -aux

to check the Zombie process below command can be ued

ps -el | grep 'Z'

to kill the process

kill -9 <processid>

to get user user process

ps -u <userid>

ps -eo, etime, user,pid,args | grep processid

5) To check the logical partition we can use the command


6) To check the host name we can use the hostname command

and once we get hostname we can idetify ip address using the below command

nslookup servername

There are various command that can be used to check the file size in UNIX.

7) Finding the Largest directory in a particular mount point

du -sk . [!.] *  * | sort -n

8) to check the size of partiular mount pount

df -g | grep mountpoint

mount point is the storage path like /opt/sw/Unix/dev

9) To check space for all mount points

df -g 

g - stands for size in giga bytes.

10) To performance we can nmon

nmon -fT -I 3 -s 300 -c 12 -m 

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