Friday, May 3, 2024

Transition Management Question and Answers

1)  Transition sets the benchmark by which the client provider relationship is initially measured.



2)  Successful transitions result in better business outcomes only for the Enterprise (Customer) and not to the provider in the long run.



3)  Well-executed transition enables customers to unlock value from outsourcing initiative in quickest possible time.



4)  Transition does not estimate the costs, timing, resources and risks associated with a service.



5)  Transition is new or changed service that satisfies the needs of the customer.



6)  A hostile transition in IT can be defined as when you take over knowledge from another external provider and then in a second step, the responsibility to deliver the work is transferred to us.



7) Which of the below statement defines the Knowledge Acquisition phase of the Transition?

Understand the existing environment,process ,service scope

        Hands on experince with actual env with limited scope

        Handle the services in scope with minimal to no support

        Satbilizes the environment and try to achieve the target SLAs/KPIs

         Provide service independently to SLA and strive for continous improvement

8) Which of the below statement defines the Secondary Support of the Transition?

Understand the existing environment,process ,service scope

        Hands on experince with actual env with limited scope

        Handle the services in scope with minimal to no support

        Satbilizes the environment and try to achieve the target SLAs/KPIs

         Provide service independently to SLA and strive for continous improvement

9) Which of the below statement defines the Primary Support phase of the Transition?

Understand the existing environment,process ,service scope

        Hands on experince with actual env with limited scope

        Handle the services in scope with minimal to no support

        Satbilizes the environment and try to achieve the target SLAs/KPIs

         Provide service independently to SLA and strive for continous improvement

10) Which of the below statement defines the Stabilization phase of the Transition?

Understand the existing environment,process ,service scope

        Hands on experince with actual env with limited scope

        Handle the services in scope with minimal to no support

        Satbilizes the environment and try to achieve the target SLAs/KPIs

         Provide service independently to SLA and strive for continous improvement

11) Which of the below statement defines the Steady phase of the Transition?

 Understand the existing environment,process ,service scope

        Hands on experince with actual env with limited scope

        Handle the services in scope with minimal to no support

        Satbilizes the environment and try to achieve the target SLAs/KPIs

         Provide service independently to SLA and strive for continous improvement

12)  Which of the below tools/applications is used to create and maintain the transition plan?

  Service Acquisition Manager (SAM) &   Microsoft Project Plan (MPP )

          Microsoft Project Plan (MPP )

         Service Acquisition Manager (SAM) 


13) Which of the below features are present in the SAM tool?  -- All

        I. Plan and Track the Transition

        II. Import/Export Reports

        III. Task Dependency Mapping

        IV. Milestone Alerts/Report Scheduler

14) Which of the below transition scenarios aligns with scale and complexity?

Transition from mutiple Geographies for DC

15) Which of the below tools/applications is a one-stop shop which provides the details of the past and present transitions?

Transition Program Log (TPL) 

        Contractual Commitments Risk Tracker (CCRT)

        Service Acquisition Manager (SAM)

        Microsoft Project Plan (MPP )

16)  Staff Attrition is a key element during the transition from the in-house customer team.



17)  Personal development and team management is the responsibility of Transition Lead, Manager and Director.



18)  Transparency to the customer helps in successful transition.



19)  Team Building exercise within Company and Client Associates is one of the best practices during the transition.



20) Which of these are not the focus areas of Transition?


21) Which one of the below option is related to Rigor in Transition (RIT)?

Ensure that all exisitng operational tools and processes are transitionioned and details are documented

22) Quality gates and Acceptance criteria are not related to each other.



23) Toll Gates are applicable for all the phases of Transition.



24) Which one of the below Acceptance criteria is related to Pre Secondary Support Quality gate?


25) What is the possible mitigation plan when there is a delay in getting the ODC and network connectivity during the transition?

    connect through alternative vpn

26) Transition Governance/Review takes place in 3 levels to achieve smooth and risk free transition.





 ETVX  Model and Phases -    Entry,Task, validation, exit

 Transitional plannin   (ETVX)     -- First Phase

 Knowledge Acquisition    (ETVX)  -- Second Phase

 Secondary Support   (ETVX)    Third Phase

 Primary Support    (ETVX)    Fourth Phase

 Stabilization         (ETVX)    Fifth Phase

 Steady State     (ETVX)    Fifth Phase

 The following tools and applications will be used during a transition:

Service Acquisition Manager (SAM) -- Plan and track, Reports, Import/ Export, Trackers, Acceptance Criteria and Dependecies, Task Dependecies feature, Report Scheduler 

Microsoft Project Plan (MPP ) -- Task administration, resource management, Transition scheduling and tracking , Reporting 

Phases :  startup, Initition, transition execution, closing the transition

Task administration  -- Task, summary task, milestone administration

Contractual Commitments Risk Tracker (CCRT) -- 

 Contract Commitment Tracker is a very useful asset that helps the engagements to track the commitment clauses, specified in the customer contracts, MSAs, SOWs and so on. This tracker enables the project to capture the commitment against the following parameters, apart from other additional commitments.

Transition Program Log (TPL) --  

Focus areas in transition management
Planning and Goveranance
Oboarding and resource rampup
Process Quality 
Knowledge Quality
Risk and Issues Management
SLA Report Development
Third-Party Contracts
Delivery Readliness and OCM
Tools Integration
Security and Complaince

Transition best practices
Customer Focus
Process Focus
People Focus
Automation and Enablers

Reponsibilites and keyfactors For sucessful transitions
Transition Lead
Transition Manager
Transition Director

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